
Few words to NATO killers

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I reiterate my appeal to NATO pilots: How many kids, old people, women did you kill today?

How many people have you made homeless? How many have you dismembered and mutilated? How many have you deprived of food? How much are you paid per hecatomb? Is this money enough to remove you from the face of the Earth so that you are not to be found and executed for crimes you committed

Your Commanders convince you that by killing you make the world more secure for your country and you believe it. You are slaughtering for NATO Commanders, for Corporations which demonstrate a burning desire to appropriate other country's resources. Do you realize that you arouse hostility and stir up hatred for your country?  Try to imagine your country under bombardment and you are told that this nightmare is happening for the sake of "democracy" but in reality it is because the attackers want the victim's resources.

Imagine that shops and plants are destroyed and you have no place to earn money to feed your kids and your kids are deathly frightened because yesterday the neighbor's home was bombed by NATO jet-fighters and they saw the broken,  bloody dead bodies of their friends and you try to comfort your kids grief. You can only shake your fists at the fighter-jet and the aggressor-nations pilots just laugh in response to your powerless fists.

Imagine that after removing the wreckage of someone else's home a couple of days ago, the next evening when you come home, you don't find your own home and you realize that the bodies of your wife and kids body are just fragments in a mortuary.

I reiterate my appeal to NATO soldier's mothers, their wives, sisters and daughters: do you understand that he is a mass-murderer? An assassinator assigned by your government to terrorize another country? Why don't you hold a moment of silence in memory of civilians killed by NATO soldiers, like now you held it in memory of those killed in Norway?

Are you aware that the entire Libyan nation – men, women, old people, kids – millions of them every day organize rallies on squares of their cities under green banners and with Muammar Gaddafi portraits? That every Libyan capable of holding a weapon has volunteered in self-defense squads in case of a ground invasion?  That armed civilians in Benghazi and Tobruck fight under green banners with rabbles of so-called National Transitional Council and hitmen squads from Europe and US PMKs?

Are you aware that NATO is bombing Libyan residential areas with depleted uranium bombs like they did in Serbia?  Did you know that NATO uses napalm and CW agents in bombs?  That western governments and corporations are testing new weapons on defenseless Libyans, on purpose, to kill as many as possible, and to force survivors to surrender?

Are you aware that now NATO's bombs are not only destroying schools and hospitals but food warehouses and the Libyan water supply system of the Great Man Made River? This is in order to starve Libyans and kill them via lack of water.

Now imagine all this happening to you.

Stop your Governments from killing people for the sake of greed of gold.

Or maybe I let some other people to speak up too:

Ahmed Asdnrs
The fools forget the crimes of NATO in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Libya .. they have to read Vietnamese history, when the U.S. fled from Vietnam and left the traitors in the hands of the Vietnamese people ... Do not wait for the Vietnamese moment the .. Stand with your people against NATO's vicious and live or die with your generosity .. Because of the Libyan people have never forget The blood of children and we will go after every traitor even in the moon so do not be that person .... We are coming, coming, coming

Fridrich Hláva
North Arrogant Terroristic Organisation- or similar names for those war crimnals- they will know hte best way what we think about them!!!
Nato equals Nort Arrogant Terrorist Organiastion- sefant of the finacial oligarchy of the world- soldners with no connection to theri people- . 20 years back this fiancial oligarch begunn to destroy the regular Armies- and made from them payed soldners- who are ready to every bestialities and violations of law and humanity in the weorld!! NATO equals the hunting dogs of this greedy "rulers" of the world- they are not peoples Armies- like in Lybia for example- or in China!!!

PoshBird Gabi
North Atlantic Terrorist Organization is an instrument of death and destruction.

Dena Eštokovje
NATO pilots - you are not heroes! You are not saving the civilians, you are saving only a group of bankers and corporations. You are without morals, without emotion, as well as your superiors. You know very well what your aircraft damages, whom it kills and that makes you the heinous murderers! Yes, you are just disgusting murderers and mercenaries of oligarchs! Maybe you and your family will once experience the bombing first hand and remember how you bombed civilians in Libya. And you admirals, generals led by war criminal Rasmussen, you deserve only what al Qaeda is making now in Benghazi to Libyan innocent civilians. One day the justice will find you!

Jelena Perović
I wonder if NATO pilots have children of their own?
I wonder do they have wives? I wonder what they are telling their families?
Do they say:"Hi honey! I am home! I killed some people but I made it home for dinner".
Do they tell their little daughters or sons: "Come to daddy baby.Today daddy blew up a baby with a bomb who was just as cute as you!"
I can't imagine how they come home after what they've been doing in Lybia?
I wonder why NATO soldiers wives accept killers in their beds.

Georg Ankar
Espero que llegue el día en que el bien venza y la OTAN y sus complices desaparezcan de la faz de la Tierra para siempre.

Andrey Beynik
НАТО - злочинна організація, очільників якої треба судити міжнародним трибуналом. Хочеться сподіватись, що таке врешті-решт станеться. Інакше світ приречений на смерть. Капіталізм і смерть світу - поняття тотожні.

Taras Lastoveckij
NATO-eto mezhdunarodnoe voenizirovannoe prestupnoe soobshestvo...obidno,cto oni ostajutsia beznakazannimi..sovremennuju tehniku ni Rossija,ni Kitaj ne postavliajut,i dazhe ne prodajut..silnie mira sego zhujut sopli...mozhet samim evropeicam udarit iz tila po natovskim prestupnikam...cto to otcasti ot RAF ili ot Brigade Rosse...tolko bolee massirovanno..skazhem sabotazh i diversii...da dazhe esli bi pol evropi vzialo i ne vishlo na rabotu...vse bi skazali bi FUCK TOP!s menia hvatit!polnij ignor sisteme...staratsia blokirovat razlichnie voennie objekti...dlia etogo nuzno organizovatsia vsem..sozdat koordinacionnie soveti i gruppi deistvija...situacija kraine tiazholaja dlia bednih,no hrabrih Livijcev...a mne stidno,cto sizhu tut vot i v principe to realno nichego ne mogu sdelat..grustno..mozhet Rassmussena iz optiki hlopnut..trudno

Никита Ананьев
NAVO is een organisatie, die, terwijl het beweert mooie doelen en leuzen te verdedigen, eigenlijk bezig is met het verwezenlijken van politieke doelen van VS over de hele wereld, zonder stil te staan voor onschuldige slachtoffers.

Ада Ставская
я часто думаю: а что будут делать страны нато, если враз не станет Латинской Америки, Африки, Азии... в общем не станет тех, за чей счёт развивать цивилизацию на основе демократических ценностей, т.е. грабить будет некого. А вот интересно посмотреть, как они начнут жрать друг друга, как пауки в банке.
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go to hell
they have and deserve more honor than you will ever have